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Best Way On How To Pass JAMB Without Reading Your Books

Best Way On How To Pass JAMB Without Reading Your Books

Best Way On How To Pass JAMB Without Reading Your Books

Reading or studying for JAMB is not a thing for everyone. No matter what could be said in praise of serious studying as a key factor in exam success, most students are still searching for means to write and pass JAMB without reading.

Ever asked the question “how can I prepare for JAMB?” This is by far one of the most common questions most JAMBITES ask online today because everyone wants to write JAMB once and for all.

Everyone wants to get ready for JAMB and score high, unfortunately it is not everyone who wants to go through the stress it entails to score high in JAMB. In order to pass JAMB without stress, I will provide some outstanding tips that will help you pass JAMB without studying.

If you ever wondered if it is possible to make it in JAMB without reading, I am eager and willing to clear your doubts right the way.

Best Ways To Pass JAMB without reading?

1. Know what it takes to write JAMB How To Pass JAMB Without Reading, Know what it takes to write JAMB Knowing what it takes to write JAMB is one of the essentials required to score high in your JAMB exams. No matter how hard you study for JAMB without knowing pertinent information about the system, you will definitely fail JAMB.

Here are key things you need to know under this section that does not necessarily involve the reading of the common subjects like; chemistry, biology, English and co. Knowing the JAMB syllabus, JAMB marking scheme, JAMB past questions and answers, JAMB subject combination, Brochure, JAMB number of questions and duration per candidate are all smart things you need to know about JAMB that requires little or no reading as you can hear it from the news, from a school teacher or your friends or might have come across it before the JAMB exam timeframe.

2. Engage in a group discussion How To Pass JAMB Without Reading, Engage in a group discussion You can engage yourself with a group of friends who have to study for JAMB and seek that they discuss their finding with you.

With this, you will be able to prepare for JAMB without reading. If you’re good at memorizing what you have heard, you will be more subtle in answering JAMB questions with ease, despite the fact that you didn’t study for it.

3. Proper secondary school education How To Pass JAMB Without Reading, Proper secondary school education If I’m honest with you, I have to tell you that apart from knowing the JAMB syllabus and pattern of JAMB questions, there’s no other special preparation for JAMB.

When you enrol into a good secondary school and already have a better primary school training, you will be well equipped for any exam within that level of education as JAMB is purely within the secondary school scheme. This will equip you with ample knowledge to write JAMB without reading..

4. Use audiobooks How To Pass JAMB Without Reading, Use audiobooks Reading is an inevitable part of learning. Candidates who want to come out with flying colours should take reading seriously.

However, we understand the challenges of reading for JAMB exam in Nigeria, as some of the candidates are hustling to see themselve through tertiary institution, they my have little or no time to study for JAMB.

In the light of the above, such candidates tend to seek for means to get going without full implementation of what it take to get there. I share in their pain, and that’s why I’m sharing this special guide with anyone who’s willing to pass JAMB without cheating that it is also possible to write and pass JAMB exam without studying or cheating at the exam hall.

Back to the the subheadin “audiobooks”, thank goodness for the use of technology in education today, most of the JAMB materials are in electronic format that does not neccessarily involve printend materias. Even the recommended JAMB novel is often summaried and provided in PDF format.

With the help of Adobe reader and other important androiod apps that can read text to speech, you can listen to the books instead of reading them.

This is one of the best ways to pass JAMB without reading.

The Verdict

You’ve seen how possible it is to write and pass JAMB exams without reading. This is totally a legal and stress free methond to score high in JAMB.

Here’s the brutal truth, it is pertinent that you start making reading a habit as it is totally impossible to write and pass JAMB without reading at all. Your performance are dependent on things you read recently or have known long time ago, you have seen how important studying for JAMB is and possible ways to pass JAMB that does not involve a lot of reading and stress.


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