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Basic Technology junior waec exam questions and answers

Basic Technology junior waec exam questions and answers

Here are 20 basic technology exam questions with options and answers:

What does CPU stand for?
a) Central Process Unit
b) Central Peripheral Unit
c) Central Processing Unit
d) Central Program Unit
Answer: c) Central Processing Unit

Which type of software allows you to browse the internet?
a) Word Processor
b) Spreadsheet
c) Web Browser
d) Graphics Editor
Answer: c) Web Browser

What is the primary function of RAM in a computer?
a) Long-term storage
b) Data input and output
c) Temporary data storage
d) Graphics processing
Answer: c) Temporary data storage

What does URL stand for?
a) Uniform Resource Locator
b) Universal Resource Link
c) Uniform Reference Link
d) Universal Retrieval Locator
Answer: a) Uniform Resource Locator

Which programming language is commonly used for web development?
a) Python
b) Java
c) C++
d) HTML/CSS/JavaScript
Answer: d) HTML/CSS/JavaScript

What is the main function of an operating system?
a) Run applications
b) Create documents
c) Print files
d) Monitor network traffic
Answer: a) Run applications

Which of the following is NOT a type of computer virus?
a) Trojan Horse
b) Worm
c) Cookie
d) Spyware
Answer: c) Cookie

Which type of storage device has no moving parts and is known for its fast data access?
a) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
b) Solid State Drive (SSD)
c) Optical Disc
d) USB Flash Drive
Answer: b) Solid State Drive (SSD)

What is the function of a firewall in network security?
a) Block all incoming traffic
b) Block outgoing traffic
c) Monitor and filter network traffic
d) Enhance network speed
Answer: c) Monitor and filter network traffic

Which of the following is a wireless communication technology for short-range connections?
a) LAN
b) Bluetooth
c) DSL
d) WAN
Answer: b) Bluetooth

What is the purpose of an IP address in networking?
a) To identify a specific website
b) To locate the physical location of a device
c) To assign a unique identifier to devices on a network
d) To encrypt data transmission
Answer: c) To assign a unique identifier to devices on a network

Which protocol is used for sending and receiving email over the internet?
b) FTP
d) DNS
Answer: c) SMTP

What is the term for the practice of searching for and exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems?
a) Hacking
b) Programming
c) Scanning
d) Surfing
Answer: a) Hacking

What does HTML stand for?
a) Hyper Text Markup Language
b) High Technology Multimedia Language
c) Hyper Transfer Markup Language
d) Hyperlink and Text Management Language
Answer: a) Hyper Text Markup Language

Which component of a computer displays visual output to the user?
a) CPU
b) RAM
c) GPU
d) SSD
Answer: c) GPU

What does VPN stand for?
a) Virtual Personal Network
b) Very Private Network
c) Virtual Private Network
d) Visual Private Network
Answer: c) Virtual Private Network

What is a QR code used for?
a) Securely storing personal information
b) Quick access to websites and information
c) Sending text messages
d) Encrypting emails
Answer: b) Quick access to websites and information

Which social media platform is known for its 140-character limit per post?
a) Facebook
b) Instagram
c) Twitter
d) LinkedIn
Answer: c) Twitter

What is the term for a malicious software that demands a ransom to unlock a computer or its files?
a) Spyware
b) Adware
c) Ransomware
d) Malware
Answer: c) Ransomware

What is the standard file format for documents created using Microsoft Word?
a) .DOCX
b) .TXT
c) .PDF
d) .XLS
Answer: a) .DOCX


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