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Building construction waec past questions and answers

Building construction waec past questions and answers

Which of the following materials is primarily used for load-bearing structures?
a) Wood
b) Steel
c) Glass
d) Plastic
Answer: b) Steel

What is the function of a footing in a building's foundation?
a) To support walls
b) To provide insulation
c) To increase ventilation
d) To enhance aesthetics
Answer: a) To support walls

What is the purpose of a lintel in construction?
a) To support the roof
b) To strengthen the foundation
c) To provide natural light
d) To decorate the entrance
Answer: a) To support the roof

Which construction method involves assembling pre-made components off-site?
a) Cast-in-place
b) Post and beam
c) Modular construction
d) Reinforced concrete
Answer: c) Modular construction

Which tool is commonly used for digging and moving soil during construction?
a) Hammer
b) Shovel
c) Screwdriver
d) Pliers
Answer: b) Shovel

Which type of roofing material is known for its durability and fire resistance?
a) Asphalt shingles
b) Metal
c) Clay tiles
d) Wood shakes
Answer: c) Clay tiles

What is the purpose of HVAC systems in a building?
a) Structural support
b) Insulation
c) Ventilation and climate control
d) Aesthetic enhancement
Answer: c) Ventilation and climate control

Which building code sets the standards for energy-efficient construction in the United States?
a) NEC
Answer: d) IECC

What is the role of rebar in reinforced concrete?
a) To provide insulation
b) To improve aesthetics
c) To reinforce the structure
d) To facilitate plumbing
Answer: c) To reinforce the structure

Which foundation type is suitable for areas with weak soil?
a) Pile foundation
b) Slab-on-grade
c) Pier foundation
d) Trench foundation
Answer: a) Pile foundation

What is the purpose of a vapor barrier in construction?
a) To control indoor temperature
b) To prevent moisture buildup
c) To increase structural stability
d) To enhance natural lighting
Answer: b) To prevent moisture buildup

What construction material is known for its excellent thermal insulation properties?
a) Concrete
b) Glass
c) Straw bales
d) Steel
Answer: c) Straw bales

What is the primary function of a retaining wall?
a) To provide aesthetics
b) To support sloped soil
c) To improve drainage
d) To create outdoor seating
Answer: b) To support sloped soil

Which type of insulation is commonly installed between wall studs?
a) Fiberglass batts
b) Spray foam
c) Cellulose
d) Rockwool
Answer: a) Fiberglass batts

What is the purpose of a plumb bob in construction?
a) To measure distances
b) To check for level surfaces
c) To mark cutting lines
d) To calculate angles
Answer: b) To check for level surfaces

Which material is used for fireproofing structural steel in buildings?
a) Gypsum
b) Concrete
c) Intumescent paint
d) Aluminum
Answer: c) Intumescent paint

What is the function of a soffit in a building?
a) To support the roof structure
b) To enhance interior lighting
c) To provide insulation
d) To enclose the underside of a roof overhang
Answer: d) To enclose the underside of a roof overhang

Which type of window opens on a hinge along its vertical edge?
a) Casement
b) Awning
c) Slider
d) Fixed
Answer: a) Casement

What is the purpose of flashing in construction?
a) To provide structural support
b) To improve insulation
c) To prevent water intrusion
d) To enhance ventilation
Answer: c) To prevent water intrusion

Which measurement is commonly used to gauge the strength of concrete?
a) PSI (Pounds per Square Inch)
b) RPM (Revolutions per Minute)
c) BTU (British Thermal Unit)
d) GPM (Gallons per Minute)
Answer: a) PSI (Pounds per Square Inch)


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