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COOUTH School of Nursing Nkpor Questions and Answers

COOUTH School of Nursing Nkpor Questions and Answers

Here they are;

Which of the following is a common symptom of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)?
a) Increased thirst
b) Elevated heart rate
c) Shakiness and sweating
d) Hypertension
Answer: c) Shakiness and sweating

What is the primary purpose of administering a nasogastric tube to a patient?
a) To provide oxygen
b) To facilitate breathing
c) To remove stomach contents and prevent nausea
d) To deliver nutrition and medication directly to the stomach
Answer: d) To deliver nutrition and medication directly to the stomach

When assessing a patient's respiratory rate, what is considered normal for an adult at rest?
a) 6-10 breaths per minute
b) 12-20 breaths per minute
c) 25-30 breaths per minute
d) 50-60 breaths per minute
Answer: b) 12-20 breaths per minute

What does the acronym "ADL" stand for in nursing?
a) Active Diagnosis List
b) Advanced Life Support
c) Activities of Daily Living
d) Acute Discharge Log
Answer: c) Activities of Daily Living

Which of the following nursing interventions is essential to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs)?
a) Frequent handwashing
b) Allowing unrestricted visitor access
c) Decreasing fluid intake
d) Administering antibiotics after surgery
Answer: a) Frequent handwashing

What is the primary goal of palliative care in nursing?
a) To prolong life at all costs
b) To provide comfort and improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses
c) To perform aggressive treatments to cure the illness
d) To isolate patients from their families
Answer: b) To provide comfort and improve the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses

Which type of nursing documentation focuses on the patient's progress, responses to treatment, and any changes in their condition?
a) Nursing diagnoses
b) Medical history
c) Progress notes
d) Administrative records
Answer: c) Progress notes

What is the recommended handwashing duration for effective infection control?
a) 5 seconds
b) 15 seconds
c) 30 seconds
d) 60 seconds
Answer: c) 30 seconds

What is the primary function of the spleen in the human body?
a) To regulate blood pressure
b) To produce insulin
c) To filter and store blood, removing damaged blood cells
d) To aid in digestion
Answer: c) To filter and store blood, removing damaged blood cells

Which of the following is an example of an airborne precaution in infection control?
a) Wearing gloves
b) Wearing a gown
c) Using a surgical mask
d) Using an N95 respirator mask
Answer: d) Using an N95 respirator mask

What is the role of the nurse when assessing a patient's pain using the "PQRST" method?
a) Monitoring their pulse rate
b) Asking about their past medical history
c) Assessing the quality, region, severity, and timing of the pain
d) Evaluating their visual acuity
Answer: c) Assessing the quality, region, severity, and timing of the pain

Which type of wound healing involves minimal tissue loss and primarily heals by primary intention?
a) Secondary intention
b) Tertiary intention
c) Primary intention
d) Quaternary intention
Answer: c) Primary intention

What does the acronym "MRSA" refer to in the context of nursing and healthcare?
a) Methicillin-Resistant Streptococcus Aureus
b) Most Rapid Sanitizing Agent
c) Mandatory Reporting of Serious Adverse events
d) Myeloid-Related Steroid Anemia
Answer: a) Methicillin-Resistant Streptococcus Aureus

In a pediatric nursing setting, what is the primary consideration when administering medication to children?
a) Providing a placebo to minimize discomfort
b) Administering a higher dosage than for adults
c) Ensuring proper dosage based on the child's weight and age
d) Withholding medication to prevent adverse effects
Answer: c) Ensuring proper dosage based on the child's weight and age

What is the primary purpose of the "Sbar" communication technique in nursing?
a) To schedule patient appointments
b) To report patient information clearly and concisely
c) To file medical insurance claims
d) To maintain patient confidentiality
Answer: b) To report patient information clearly and concisely

Which of the following is an example of a nursing diagnosis?
a) Hypertension
b) Anxiety related to upcoming surgery
c) Pneumonia
d) Diabetes mellitus
Answer: b) Anxiety related to upcoming surgery

What is the primary role of a nurse when caring for a patient with a urinary catheter?
a) Ensure the patient consumes plenty of fluids
b) Monitor the catheter for proper placement and function
c) Remove the catheter at the patient's request
d) Apply a tight dressing around the catheter site
Answer: b) Monitor the catheter for proper placement and function

When conducting a physical assessment of the abdomen, in which order should a nurse typically perform the examination?
a) Palpation, percussion, inspection, and auscultation
b) Inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion
c) Auscultation, palpation, inspection, and percussion
d) Percussion, auscultation, inspection, and palpation
Answer: b) Inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion

Which of the following is an essential nursing skill when providing end-of-life care to terminally ill patients?
a) Promoting hope and unrealistic expectations
b) Administering aggressive treatments to prolong life
c) Providing comfort, emotional support, and symptom management
d) Avoiding discussions about death and dying
Answer: c) Providing comfort, emotional support, and symptom management

What is the purpose of a nursing care conference?
a) To celebrate the achievements of the nursing team
b) To discuss patient care and coordinate a plan of care among healthcare providers
c) To organize employee social events
d) To critique individual nursing performance
Answer: b) To discuss patient care and coordinate a plan of care among healthcare providers


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