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Creative arts junior waec exam questions and answers

Creative arts junior waec exam questions and answers

Here are creative arts junior WAEC exam questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the primary medium used in watercolor painting?
A) Oil
B) Acrylic
C) Water
D) Ink
Answer: C) Water

Question: In literature, what is a haiku?
A) A type of short story
B) A form of poetry with three lines
C) A type of painting
D) A style of dance
Answer: B) A form of poetry with three lines

Question: Which art form involves shaping and molding clay into various objects?
A) Pottery
B) Calligraphy
C) Photography
D) Collage
Answer: A) Pottery

Question: What is the term for the art of arranging and designing type and text in print and digital media?
A) Typography
B) Stenography
C) Philately
D) Hieroglyphics
Answer: A) Typography

Question: Who is the famous artist known for his surreal and dreamlike paintings, such as "The Persistence of Memory"?
A) Salvador Dalí
B) Vincent van Gogh
C) Pablo Picasso
D) Claude Monet
Answer: A) Salvador Dalí

Question: Which type of dance is characterized by its smooth and flowing movements, often performed to slow music?
A) Hip-hop
B) Breakdance
C) Ballet
D) Contemporary
Answer: C) Ballet

Question: What is the term for a piece of music or a dance in a ballet that features a solo performance?
A) Overture
B) Ensemble
C) Pas de deux
D) Crescendo
Answer: C) Pas de deux

Question: Which famous Greek philosopher is known for his writings on aesthetics and art, including the concept of "catharsis" in theater?
A) Socrates
B) Plato
C) Aristotle
D) Heraclitus
Answer: C) Aristotle

Question: What is the name of the Japanese theater form that combines drama, music, and dance, often performed with elaborate costumes and makeup?
A) Kabuki
B) Noh
C) Butoh
D) Rakugo
Answer: A) Kabuki

Question: Which art style is characterized by a focus on depicting everyday life and scenes of working-class people?
A) Impressionism
B) Realism
C) Cubism
D) Surrealism
Answer: B) Realism


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