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Government jamb past questions and answers

Government jamb past questions and answers

What is the primary role of the United Nations Security Council?

A) Economic development
B) Humanitarian aid
C) International peace and security
D) Environmental protection
Answer: C) International peace and security
Who is responsible for casting the tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate?

A) Senate Majority Leader
B) Vice President
C) Senate Minority Leader
D) Speaker of the House
Answer: B) Vice President
What is the purpose of the U.S. Census Bureau?

A) Conducting elections
B) Collecting and analyzing demographic data
C) Regulating trade
D) Enforcing immigration laws
Answer: B) Collecting and analyzing demographic data
In the United Kingdom, who appoints members of the House of Lords?

A) Prime Minister
B) Monarch
C) Speaker of the House
D) House of Commons
Answer: B) Monarch
Which U.S. government agency is responsible for managing national parks and wildlife refuges?

A) Department of Defense
B) National Park Service
C) Department of the Interior
D) Environmental Protection Agency
Answer: B) National Park Service
What is the term length for a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?

A) 4 years
B) 6 years
C) 8 years
D) Life tenure
Answer: D) Life tenure
Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military?

A) Secretary of Defense
B) President
C) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
D) Secretary of State
Answer: B) President
Which U.S. government agency is responsible for enforcing immigration laws and border control?

A) Department of Homeland Security
B) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
C) Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
D) Department of Justice
Answer: A) Department of Homeland Security
In the U.S. House of Representatives, who is the leader of the majority party?

A) Speaker of the House
B) Majority Leader
C) Minority Leader
D) Whip
Answer: A) Speaker of the House
What is the role of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the U.S.?

A) Environmental protection
B) Air traffic control and safety regulation
C) Education
D) International trade
Answer: B) Air traffic control and safety regulation
Who is responsible for appointing federal judges in the United States?

A) President
B) Senate Majority Leader
C) Chief Justice
D) Attorney General
Answer: A) President
What is the primary function of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

A) Economic cooperation
B) Military alliance and collective defense
C) Environmental conservation
D) Humanitarian aid
Answer: B) Military alliance and collective defense
Which U.S. government agency is responsible for conducting foreign intelligence activities?

A) FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
B) CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
C) NSA (National Security Agency)
D) DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
Answer: B) CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
In the U.S. government, what does the acronym FDA stand for?

A) Food and Drug Administration
B) Federal Development Agency
C) Foreign Diplomatic Affairs
D) Federal Defense Association
Answer: A) Food and Drug Administration
Which U.S. government branch has the power to declare laws unconstitutional?

A) Executive
B) Legislative
C) Judicial
D) Regulatory
Answer: C) Judicial
What is the role of the World Bank?

A) Humanitarian aid
B) Economic development and poverty reduction
C) Environmental protection
D) International peacekeeping
Answer: B) Economic development and poverty reduction
Which constitutional amendment grants U.S. citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color?

A) Fifteenth Amendment
B) Nineteenth Amendment
C) Twenty-Fourth Amendment
D) Twenty-Sixth Amendment
Answer: A) Fifteenth Amendment
Who is the chief legal officer of the U.S. government?

A) Chief Justice
B) Attorney General
C) Solicitor General
D) Secretary of State
Answer: B) Attorney General
In a federal system of government, what powers are reserved for the states?

A) Enumerated powers
B) Reserved powers
C) Concurrent powers
D) Implied powers
Answer: B) Reserved powers
Which international agreement aims to address climate change by limiting global warming?

A) Kyoto Protocol
B) Paris Agreement
C) Geneva Convention
D) Helsinki Accords
Answer: B) Paris Agreement


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