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Home management jamb past questions and answers

Home management jamb past questions and answers

Question: What's the recommended interval for checking and cleaning the seals on your oven door to maintain proper heat retention?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when there's visible damage
Answer: C) Once a year
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors to prevent energy waste?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice a temperature change
Answer: B) Every six months
Question: Which of the following is a water-saving practice for taking showers?

A) Using a high-flow showerhead
B) Taking long, hot showers
C) Installing a low-flow showerhead
D) Leaving the water running while soaping up
Answer: C) Installing a low-flow showerhead
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your washing machine door to prevent leaks?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when there's visible damage
Answer: B) Every six months
Question: What's the recommended frequency for checking and cleaning the seals on your freezer door to prevent frost buildup?

A) Every month
B) Every three months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice frost accumulating
Answer: B) Every three months
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your dishwasher door to prevent water leaks?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when there's visible damage
Answer: C) Once a year
Question: Which of the following is a sustainable practice for laundry?

A) Using a clothes dryer for all loads
B) Washing clothes in hot water
C) Running small loads in the washing machine
D) Using excessive amounts of detergent
Answer: C) Running small loads in the washing machine
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your oven door to maintain proper heat distribution?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when there's visible damage
Answer: C) Once a year
Question: What's the recommended interval for checking and cleaning the seals on your windows to prevent drafts?

A) Every 6 months
B) Once a year
C) Only when drafts are noticeable
D) Every 3 years
Answer: B) Once a year
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors to prevent frost buildup?

A) Every month
B) Every three months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice frost accumulating
Answer: B) Every three months
Question: Which of the following is a sustainable practice for kitchen waste disposal?

A) Throwing all waste in a single bin
B) Composting food scraps
C) Using plastic bags for all garbage
D) Disposing of electronic waste in regular trash
Answer: B) Composting food scraps
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors to maintain energy efficiency?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice a temperature change
Answer: B) Every six months
Question: What's the recommended frequency for checking and cleaning the seals on your oven door to prevent heat loss?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when there's visible damage
Answer: C) Once a year
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your washing machine door to prevent water leaks?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when there's visible damage
Answer: B) Every six months
Question: Which of the following is an energy-saving practice for using the dishwasher?

A) Running the dishwasher with a partial load
B) Pre-rinsing dishes under running water
C) Using the "heated dry" option
D) Running the dishwasher twice for heavily soiled dishes
Answer: A) Running the dishwasher with a partial load
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your freezer door to prevent frost buildup?

A) Every month
B) Every three months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice frost accumulating
Answer: B) Every three months
Question: What's the recommended interval for checking and cleaning the seals on your windows to prevent drafts?

A) Every 6 months
B) Once a year
C) Only when drafts are noticeable
D) Every 3 years
Answer: B) Once a year
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors to maintain energy efficiency?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice a temperature change
Answer: B) Every six months
Question: Which of the following is a sustainable practice for kitchen waste disposal?

A) Throwing all waste in a single bin
B) Composting food scraps
C) Using plastic bags for all garbage
D) Disposing of electronic waste in regular trash
Answer: B) Composting food scraps
Question: How often should you inspect and clean the seals on your refrigerator and freezer doors to maintain energy efficiency?

A) Every month
B) Every six months
C) Once a year
D) Only when you notice a temperature change
Answer: B) Every six months


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