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Mater School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers

Mater School of Nursing Afikpo Past Questions and Answers

Here they are;

What is the primary purpose of the "PQRST" acronym used in assessing chest pain?
a) To assess pain intensity
b) To evaluate cardiac risk factors
c) To gather information about the pain and its characteristics
d) To determine the patient's stress level
Answer: c) To gather information about the pain and its characteristics

In nursing, what does "IV" stand for when referring to intravenous therapy?
a) Immediate Vitality
b) Intravenous Insertion
c) Intermittent Vibration
d) Intravenous
Answer: d) Intravenous

What is the term for a healthcare worker's breach of duty, which results in harm to a patient?
a) Assault
b) Malpractice
c) Negligence
d) Battery
Answer: c) Negligence

Which of the following positions is typically used to promote lung expansion in patients with respiratory issues?
a) Fowler's position
b) Supine position
c) Sims position
d) Prone position
Answer: a) Fowler's position

In the context of medication administration, what does the "Right Route" refer to?
a) Administering the correct medication
b) Giving the medication at the right time
c) Administering the medication via the correct route (e.g., oral, IV, IM)
d) Providing patient education about the medication
Answer: c) Administering the medication via the correct route (e.g., oral, IV, IM)

Which professional organization represents certified nurse practitioners in the United States?
a) American Medical Association (AMA)
b) American Nurses Association (ANA)
c) American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
d) National League for Nursing (NLN)
Answer: c) American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)

What is the primary function of the "Barthel Index" in nursing?
a) To assess a patient's nutritional status
b) To evaluate a patient's cognitive function
c) To measure a patient's ability to perform activities of daily living
d) To assess a patient's pain level
Answer: c) To measure a patient's ability to perform activities of daily living

Which type of medication administration route involves delivering medication beneath the skin's surface?
a) Intravenous (IV)
b) Topical
c) Intramuscular (IM)
d) Subcutaneous (SQ)
Answer: d) Subcutaneous (SQ)

What is the primary role of the "Interdisciplinary Team" in healthcare settings?
a) To provide patient transportation
b) To coordinate care and treatment across different healthcare disciplines
c) To perform laboratory tests
d) To manage hospital finances
Answer: b) To coordinate care and treatment across different healthcare disciplines

In nursing, what does "NPO" stand for when written on a patient's chart?
a) No Pain Observed
b) Non-Poisonous Objects
c) Nothing by Mouth
d) Not for Public Observation
Answer: c) Nothing by Mouth

What is the term for a device that delivers a controlled amount of oxygen to a patient through a mask or nasal cannula?
a) Ventilator
b) Oxygen concentrator
c) Nebulizer
d) Flowmeter
Answer: b) Oxygen concentrator

In healthcare, what is the primary role of the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)?
a) Diagnosing medical conditions
b) Providing direct patient care under the supervision of licensed nurses
c) Prescribing medications
d) Performing surgery
Answer: b) Providing direct patient care under the supervision of licensed nurses

What is the purpose of the "Apgar Score" in neonatal care?
a) To assess maternal health
b) To evaluate a newborn's overall health and well-being
c) To measure fetal heart rate
d) To predict future health conditions in newborns
Answer: b) To evaluate a newborn's overall health and well-being

What is the term for the process of removing mucus and secretions from the airways of a patient with respiratory difficulties?
a) Tracheostomy
b) Endotracheal intubation
c) Chest tube insertion
d) Suctioning
Answer: d) Suctioning

In nursing, what does "ADPIE" stand for in the context of the nursing process?
a) Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation
b) Advance Directive for Patient Information and Education
c) Association of Doctors and Professional Information Exchange
d) Acute Disease Prevention and Intervention Exercise
Answer: a) Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation

Which type of healthcare-acquired infection is commonly associated with the use of urinary catheters?
a) Surgical site infection
b) Ventilator-associated pneumonia
c) Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)
d) Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI)
Answer: c) Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)

What is the primary function of the "RhoGAM" injection in obstetrics?
a) To induce labor in pregnant women
b) To prevent Rh incompatibility reactions between a Rh-negative mother and a Rh-positive fetus
c) To treat gestational diabetes
d) To stimulate breast milk production
Answer: b) To prevent Rh incompatibility reactions between a Rh-negative mother and a Rh-positive fetus

In nursing, what is the "Chain of Command" used for in clinical settings?
a) To determine the order in which medications are administered
b) To establish a hierarchy of authority and communication
c) To manage the hospital's financial resources
d) To decide the patient's treatment plan
Answer: b) To establish a hierarchy of authority and communication

Which body system is primarily responsible for the regulation of electrolyte balance and fluid volume in the body?
a) Respiratory system
b) Urinary system
c) Musculoskeletal system
d) Endocrine system
Answer: b) Urinary system

What is the purpose of the "Nursing Care Plan" in patient care?
a) To document a patient's insurance information
b) To establish a schedule for nurse staffing
c) To outline the nursing interventions and goals for a patient
d) To manage hospital supplies
Answer: c) To outline the nursing interventions and goals for a patient


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