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OAUTHC School of Nursing Past Questions And Answers | Updated Copy

OAUTHC School of Nursing Past Questions And Answers | Updated

Here they are;

What is the primary purpose of the "ABCDE" approach in assessing a patient's condition?
a) To assess the patient's emotional state
b) To prioritize interventions for patients with chronic diseases
c) To systematically evaluate and treat life-threatening conditions (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure)
d) To assess a patient's dietary preferences
Answer: c) To systematically evaluate and treat life-threatening conditions (Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure)

Which type of nursing documentation is focused on a patient's surgical history, allergies, and chronic conditions?
a) Flow sheets
b) Anecdotal records
c) Medical history
d) Discharge summaries
Answer: c) Medical history

What is the primary role of a nurse in providing patient education?
a) To provide medical diagnoses and treatment options
b) To administer medications
c) To teach patients about their health conditions, medications, and self-care
d) To entertain and keep patients company
Answer: c) To teach patients about their health conditions, medications, and self-care

When measuring a patient's respiratory rate, what is considered one complete breath (inhalation and exhalation)?
a) 1 minute
b) 15 seconds
c) 30 seconds
d) 1 cycle
Answer: d) 1 cycle

What is the primary purpose of the "PERRLA" assessment in nursing?
a) To assess skin integrity
b) To evaluate a patient's memory and cognitive function
c) To assess pupils for size, equality, reaction to light, and accommodation
d) To assess for signs of infection
Answer: c) To assess pupils for size, equality, reaction to light, and accommodation

Which type of medication administration route involves injecting medication into the fatty tissue beneath the skin?
a) Intramuscular (IM)
b) Intravenous (IV)
c) Subcutaneous (SC)
d) Oral (PO)
Answer: c) Subcutaneous (SC)

What is the primary role of a nurse when caring for a patient with a central venous catheter (CVC)?
a) Avoid assessing the catheter site to prevent contamination
b) Ensure the catheter remains dry at all times
c) Monitor and maintain the integrity of the catheter and dressing
d) Avoid flushing the catheter with saline
Answer: c) Monitor and maintain the integrity of the catheter and dressing

In the context of medication administration, what does the term "pharmacokinetics" refer to?
a) The study of medications' origins
b) The study of drug interactions
c) The study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination in the body
d) The study of drug side effects
Answer: c) The study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination in the body

What is the primary purpose of the "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" concept in nursing?
a) To prioritize nursing care based on physiological, safety, and psychological needs
b) To categorize patients based on their diagnosis
c) To encourage patients to meet their needs independently
d) To determine insurance coverage for patients
Answer: a) To prioritize nursing care based on physiological, safety, and psychological needs

When assessing a patient's level of pain, what is a common pain scale used in clinical settings?
a) The Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
b) The Body Mass Index (BMI)
c) The Electrocardiogram (ECG)
d) The Blood Pressure Measurement
Answer: a) The Visual Analog Scale (VAS)

What does the term "NPO" mean in the context of patient dietary restrictions?
a) "No Pain or Overexertion"
b) "Nausea, Pain, and Overhydration"
c) "Nothing by Mouth"
d) "Normal Protein Only"
Answer: c) "Nothing by Mouth"

Which of the following nursing interventions is essential to prevent falls in elderly patients?
a) Encouraging physical activity without supervision
b) Providing sedative medications to keep the patient calm
c) Keeping the environment clutter-free and well-lit
d) Using restraints to limit the patient's movement
Answer: c) Keeping the environment clutter-free and well-lit

What is the primary purpose of a "code blue" in a healthcare setting?
a) To initiate a cardiac arrest response and provide life-saving interventions
b) To schedule patient appointments
c) To record the patient's vital signs
d) To update the patient's medical history
Answer: a) To initiate a cardiac arrest response and provide life-saving interventions

In the context of infection control, what is the term for the process of destroying all microorganisms, including spores, on an object or surface?
a) Sterilization
b) Disinfection
c) Cleaning
d) Handwashing
Answer: a) Sterilization

What is the primary purpose of the "PQRST" method in assessing pain?
a) To evaluate the patient's heart rate
b) To assess for respiratory distress
c) To assess the quality, region, severity, and timing of the pain
d) To measure blood pressure
Answer: c) To assess the quality, region, severity, and timing of the pain

When administering medication through an intravenous (IV) line, what is essential to prevent complications?
a) Keeping the IV line open without any fluids
b) Using a smaller needle gauge for a faster flow rate
c) Ensuring the medication is compatible with the IV solution
d) Discontinuing the IV line immediately after medication administration
Answer: c) Ensuring the medication is compatible with the IV solution

Which of the following statements describes the purpose of the "chain of command" in a healthcare setting?
a) To limit communication among healthcare team members
b) To establish a hierarchy of authority and responsibility
c) To encourage independent decision-making by all staff
d) To create confusion and chaos in patient care
Answer: b) To establish a hierarchy of authority and responsibility

What is the primary role of a nurse when caring for a patient with a chest tube?
a) Clamping the tube to maintain pressure
b) Keeping the collection chamber above the patient's chest
c) Avoiding drainage from the chest tube
d) Monitoring for proper placement and function of the tube
Answer: d) Monitoring for proper placement and function of the tube

What is the primary purpose of the "Socratic Method" in nursing education?
a) To promote rote memorization of facts
b) To provide a structured lecture format
c) To encourage critical thinking, discussion, and questioning
d) To discourage student participation in the learning process
Answer: c) To encourage critical


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