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SS2 first term office practice past questions and answers

SS2 first term office practice past questions and answers

Here are 20 SS2 Office Practice questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the primary purpose of office filing?

A) Entertainment
B) Information retrieval
C) Office decoration
D) Coffee storage
Answer: B) Information retrieval
Question: In business communication, what does the acronym "CEO" stand for?

A) Central Executive Officer
B) Chief Executive Officer
C) Corporate Excellence Officer
D) Customer Engagement Officer
Answer: B) Chief Executive Officer
Question: Which of the following is a commonly used office productivity software?

A) Photoshop
B) Microsoft Word
C) AutoCAD
D) Final Cut Pro
Answer: B) Microsoft Word
Question: What is the purpose of an agenda in a business meeting?

A) Decorative purposes
B) To keep track of time
C) To hold snacks
D) To list meeting attendees
Answer: B) To keep track of time
Question: What is the role of a receptionist in an office?

A) Chief Financial Officer
B) Greeting visitors and answering calls
C) Graphic design
D) IT support
Answer: B) Greeting visitors and answering calls
Question: Which software is commonly used for creating and managing spreadsheets?

A) Microsoft Excel
B) Adobe Photoshop
C) Google Chrome
D) Windows Media Player
Answer: A) Microsoft Excel
Question: What is the purpose of using a memo in an office setting?

A) Memoir writing
B) To-do list
C) Internal communication
D) Office party planning
Answer: C) Internal communication
Question: What does CC stand for in email communication?

A) Carbon Copy
B) Creative Commons
C) Chief Correspondence
D) Copy Cat
Answer: A) Carbon Copy
Question: In office terms, what does the acronym "PDF" stand for?

A) Pretty Document Format
B) Portable Document Format
C) Print Document Fast
D) Public Display Folder
Answer: B) Portable Document Format
Question: What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in business?

A) Social Media Strategy
B) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats assessment
C) Software Testing
D) Sales Workflow Optimization Technique
Answer: B) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats assessment
Question: What does the term "Inbox" refer to in email communication?

A) A storage room
B) Outgoing messages
C) Received messages
D) Trash folder
Answer: C) Received messages
Question: Which of the following is an example of external communication for a business?

A) Staff meetings
B) Emails between colleagues
C) Letters to customers
D) Internal memos
Answer: C) Letters to customers
Question: What is the purpose of a balance sheet in accounting?

A) Budgeting
B) Tracking employee hours
C) Financial statement showing a company's assets and liabilities
D) Recipe bookkeeping
Answer: C) Financial statement showing a company's assets and liabilities
Question: What is the primary function of a human resources department in an organization?

A) IT support
B) Employee recruitment and management
C) Graphic design
D) Marketing
Answer: B) Employee recruitment and management
Question: What is the purpose of a brainstorming session in a business setting?

A) Employee evaluations
B) Generating creative ideas and solutions
C) Lunch planning
D) Inventory management
Answer: B) Generating creative ideas and solutions
Question: Which of the following is a common method of document transmission in business?

A) Carrier pigeon
B) Smoke signals
C) Fax machine
D) Morse code
Answer: C) Fax machine
Question: What is the purpose of a performance appraisal in the workplace?

A) Event planning
B) Evaluating employee performance
C) Inventory management
D) Social media management
Answer: B) Evaluating employee performance
Question: What is the purpose of a company's mission statement?

A) Employee ID creation
B) Defining the company's core purpose and goals
C) Graphic design
D) Coffee machine maintenance
Answer: B) Defining the company's core purpose and goals
Question: Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication in the office?

A) Email
B) Phone call
C) Body language
D) Memo
Answer: C) Body language
Question: What is the purpose of an office supply inventory?

A) Decorating the office
B) Tracking and managing office supplies
C) Creating office memes
D) Employee performance evaluation
Answer: B) Tracking and managing office supplies


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