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SS2 third Term marketing past questions and answers

SS2 third Term marketing past questions and answers

Marketing exam questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the purpose of a marketing information system (MIS)?

A) To set advertising budgets
B) To manage employee performance
C) To collect, analyze, and interpret information for marketing decision-making
D) To determine production schedules
Answer: C) To collect, analyze, and interpret information for marketing decision-making
Question: What is the concept of the adoption curve in marketing?

A) A curve representing the growth of the company's stock
B) A graphical representation of the stages that consumers go through in accepting a new product
C) A curve showing the life cycle of a product
D) A curve indicating the competitive landscape
Answer: B) A graphical representation of the stages that consumers go through in accepting a new product
Question: Which type of market research involves gathering information from people who are not part of a predetermined sample group?

A) Primary research
B) Secondary research
C) Exploratory research
D) Observational research
Answer: A) Primary research
Question: What is the purpose of a product line extension?

A) To reduce production costs
B) To introduce a new product category
C) To expand the product line by adding variations of existing products
D) To set pricing strategies
Answer: C) To expand the product line by adding variations of existing products
Question: In the context of marketing communication, what is the role of noise?

A) External factors that interfere with the communication process
B) An advertising strategy for disruptive products
C) The volume level of promotional messages
D) A type of promotion through social media influencers
Answer: A) External factors that interfere with the communication process
Question: What is the purpose of benchmarking in marketing?

A) To assess employee performance
B) To compare a company's products, services, or processes with those of its competitors or industry leaders
C) To set pricing strategies
D) To analyze financial statements
Answer: B) To compare a company's products, services, or processes with those of its competitors or industry leaders
Question: Which factor is considered in the demographic segmentation of a target market?

A) Attitudes and lifestyles
B) Geographic location
C) Age, gender, income, and education
D) Brand preferences
Answer: C) Age, gender, income, and education
Question: What is the purpose of a marketing channel intermediary?

A) To create advertising campaigns
B) To facilitate the exchange of products between producers and consumers
C) To analyze competitor strategies
D) To set pricing strategies
Answer: B) To facilitate the exchange of products between producers and consumers
Question: What is the concept of green marketing?

A) Marketing environmentally friendly products
B) Marketing campaigns during springtime
C) Marketing to a younger demographic
D) Marketing with a focus on the color green
Answer: A) Marketing environmentally friendly products
Question: Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by declining sales and profits?

A) Introduction
B) Growth
C) Maturity
D) Decline
Answer: D) Decline
Question: What is the purpose of a brand ambassador in marketing?

A) To set advertising budgets
B) To manage employee performance
C) To represent and promote a brand to a wider audience
D) To determine production schedules
Answer: C) To represent and promote a brand to a wider audience
Question: What is the role of public relations in marketing communication?

A) To set pricing strategies
B) To build and maintain positive relationships with the public and media
C) To analyze competitor strategies
D) To assess employee performance
Answer: B) To build and maintain positive relationships with the public and media
Question: What is the purpose of a sales forecast in marketing planning?

A) To analyze financial statements
B) To project future sales based on historical data and market trends
C) To set advertising budgets
D) To evaluate employee performance
Answer: B) To project future sales based on historical data and market trends
Question: In the context of the marketing mix, what does the term "promotion mix" refer to?

A) The various elements of the marketing mix
B) The distribution channels used to promote products
C) The combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations
D) The pricing strategies used for promotional campaigns
Answer: C) The combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations
Question: What is the purpose of a market challenger in competitive analysis?

A) To set pricing strategies
B) To assess employee performance
C) To compete aggressively with the market leader
D) To determine production schedules
Answer: C) To compete aggressively with the market leader
Question: What is the concept of cause-related marketing?

A) Marketing based on social causes and philanthropy
B) Marketing products related to a specific season
C) Marketing based on causing disruptions in the market
D) Marketing with a focus on the causes of product defects
Answer: A) Marketing based on social causes and philanthropy
Question: What is the purpose of a mission statement in marketing?

A) To set advertising budgets
B) To guide the company's overall direction and purpose
C) To determine production schedules
D) To evaluate employee performance
Answer: B) To guide the company's overall direction and purpose
Question: What is the difference between push and pull marketing strategies?

A) Push focuses on creating consumer demand, while pull focuses on promoting to retailers
B) Push is used for consumer products, while pull is for industrial products
C) Push involves direct selling, while pull relies on advertising and promotion to create demand
D) Push and pull strategies are synonymous terms
Answer: C) Push involves direct selling, while pull relies on advertising and promotion to create demand
Question: What is the purpose of a marketing dashboard?

A) To set pricing strategies
B) To evaluate employee performance
C) To provide a visual representation of key marketing metrics and performance
D) To determine production schedules
Answer: C) To provide a visual representation of key marketing metrics and performance


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