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SS3 third Term computer science past questions and answers

SS3 third Term computer science past questions and answers

SS3 computer science questions with options and answers:

Question: What is the purpose of the "this" keyword in object-oriented programming?

A) Reference to the current instance of the class
B) Define a new class
C) Specify data types
D) Declare a variable
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is a type of cyber-attack that involves deceiving individuals to obtain sensitive information?

A) Denial-of-Service (DoS)
B) Phishing
C) SQL Injection
D) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Answer: B
Question: What is the purpose of the "modulus" (%) operator in programming?

A) Perform division
B) Calculate the remainder
C) Multiply two numbers
D) Compare values
Answer: B
Question: Which data structure is used to represent a hierarchical relationship between elements?

A) Stack
B) Queue
C) Tree
D) Array
Answer: C
Question: In networking, what is the role of a MAC address?

A) Identify a device on a network
B) Assign an IP address
C) Control internet speed
D) Encrypt data transmission
Answer: A
Question: What is the purpose of the "continue" statement in programming?

A) End the program
B) Skip the rest of the code in a loop and move to the next iteration
C) Execute a specific block of code
D) Define a function
Answer: B
Question: Which programming language is commonly used for web development on the client-side?

A) Java
C) JavaScript
D) Ruby
Answer: C
Question: What does DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) provide?

A) Faster internet speed
B) Secure DNS communication against tampering
C) Improved website design
D) Encryption of user data
Answer: B
Question: In database management, what is a primary key?

A) A key used for encryption
B) A unique identifier for each record in a table
C) A key used to access the database
D) A key used for sorting records
Answer: B
Question: What is the purpose of the "malloc" function in C programming?

A) Print text to the console
B) Allocate memory dynamically
C) Create a new file
D) Sort elements in an array
Answer: B
Question: Which of the following is an example of a network topology?

A) Loop
B) Bubble sort
C) Star
D) XOR gate
Answer: C
Question: What is the role of an index in a database?

A) Sort data alphabetically
B) Provide a quick access path to specific data in a table
C) Encrypt data
D) Create backups
Answer: B
Question: Which programming concept is associated with the term "polymorphism"?

A) Data encapsulation
B) Multiple inheritance
C) Multiple forms of a function or method
D) Exception handling
Answer: C
Question: What is the purpose of the "chmod" command in Unix-based operating systems?

A) Change the system clock
B) Modify file permissions
C) Create a new directory
D) Compile source code
Answer: B
Question: What is the significance of the "404" HTTP status code?

A) Successful request
B) Unauthorized access
C) Page not found
D) Internal server error
Answer: C
Question: Which data type is used to store a sequence of characters in programming?

A) Integer
B) Float
C) String
D) Boolean
Answer: C
Question: What is the purpose of a foreign key in a relational database?

A) Sort data in a table
B) Establish a link between tables
C) Encrypt data
D) Create a backup
Answer: B
Question: In the context of software development, what is a code review?

A) Compiling source code
B) Analyzing and evaluating code by peers
C) Testing software functionality
D) Debugging errors
Answer: B
Question: What is the primary function of the Internet Protocol (IP)?

A) Encrypt data transmission
B) Control internet speed
C) Identify and locate devices on a network
D) Manage email communication
Answer: C
Question: Which type of programming language allows low-level interaction with computer hardware?

A) High-level language
B) Assembly language
C) Scripting language
D) Markup language
Answer: B


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