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Store management WAEC past questions and answers

Store management WAEC past questions and answers

Question: What is the primary goal of inventory management?

A) Maximize stock levels
B) Minimize stock levels
C) Maintain consistent stock levels
D) Ignore stock levels
Answer: C) Maintain consistent stock levels

Question: How can a retailer optimize shelf space for better sales?

A) Overcrowd shelves with products
B) Rotate and update displays regularly
C) Keep shelves static for months
D) Randomly arrange products
Answer: B) Rotate and update displays regularly

Question: What does POS stand for in retail?

A) Point of Sale
B) Product Ordering System
C) Price of Stock
D) Purchase Order System
Answer: A) Point of Sale

Question: In retail, what is a common method to calculate gross profit margin?

A) Total Revenue / Total Expenses
B) (Total Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold) / Total Revenue
C) Total Expenses / Total Revenue
D) Cost of Goods Sold / Total Revenue
Answer: B) (Total Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold) / Total Revenue

Question: How can a store improve customer retention?

A) Constantly changing product prices
B) Providing excellent customer service
C) Having a complicated return policy
D) Ignoring customer feedback
Answer: B) Providing excellent customer service

Question: What is a common purpose of a loyalty program in retail?

A) Encouraging one-time purchases
B) Rewarding and retaining customers
C) Increasing product prices
D) Limiting customer engagement
Answer: B) Rewarding and retaining customers

Question: What is the role of a store manager in workforce management?

A) Micromanage every task
B) Delegate tasks effectively
C) Avoid employee training
D) Discourage collaboration
Answer: B) Delegate tasks effectively

Question: How can a store manager address underperforming employees?

A) Provide constructive feedback and training
B) Ignore the issue
C) Criticize publicly
D) Immediately terminate employment
Answer: A) Provide constructive feedback and training

Question: What is the purpose of setting sales targets for a store?

A) Restricting sales growth
B) Motivating the sales team
C) Ignoring performance metrics
D) Randomly determining prices
Answer: B) Motivating the sales team

Question: How does effective communication impact store operations?

A) Creates confusion among staff
B) Enhances teamwork and efficiency
C) Decreases customer satisfaction
D) Limits employee engagement
Answer: B) Enhances teamwork and efficiency

Question: What is the significance of conducting regular store audits?

A) Wasting time and resources
B) Identifying areas for improvement
C) Ignoring store performance
D) Reducing employee morale
Answer: B) Identifying areas for improvement

Question: How can a store manager handle customer complaints effectively?

A) Ignore complaints
B) Listen actively and find a solution
C) Blame the customer
D) Avoid addressing the issue
Answer: B) Listen actively and find a solution

Question: What role does technology play in modern store management?

A) Hindering efficiency
B) Streamlining processes and improving accuracy
C) Ignoring customer preferences
D) Avoiding inventory tracking
Answer: B) Streamlining processes and improving accuracy

Question: Why is it important for a store manager to stay informed about industry trends?

A) Trend awareness is irrelevant
B) Helps adapt to changing customer needs
C) Increases operating costs
D) Discourages innovation
Answer: B) Helps adapt to changing customer needs

Question: How does employee training contribute to store success?

A) Hinders employee growth
B) Increases turnover rates
C) Improves skills and performance
D) Promotes a stagnant work environment
Answer: C) Improves skills and performance

Question: What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis in store management?

A) Ignoring internal and external factors
B) Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
C) Decreasing overall performance
D) Focusing solely on strengths
Answer: B) Identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Question: How can a store manager contribute to sustainability efforts?

A) Ignore environmental impact
B) Implement eco-friendly practices
C) Increase waste production
D) Disregard energy efficiency
Answer: B) Implement eco-friendly practices

Question: Why is it crucial for a store to establish a seamless online presence?

A) Online presence is irrelevant
B) Attracts a wider customer base
C) Increases in-store prices
D) Discourages customer engagement
Answer: B) Attracts a wider customer base

Question: How can a store manager encourage a positive work culture?

A) Promote a toxic environment
B) Disregard employee well-being
C) Recognize and reward achievements
D) Discourage teamwork
Answer: C) Recognize and reward achievements

Question: What is the role of data analytics in store management?

A) Avoiding data-driven decisions
B) Improving decision-making through insights
C) Increasing operational inefficiencies
D) Relying solely on intuition
Answer: B) Improving decision-making through insights


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